Ackerman, Jeffrey; Crichton, Alan; Kany, Daniel; Mayers, Natasha; Tryon, Nora; Editors. "Neurotica", Maine Arts Journal UMVA Quarterly, Spring 2016; pp. 38-39.
Anderson, Kaitlyn, producer, “Maine’s Dooryard Festival,” Good Day Maine, Portland, Maine, TV interview, WPME Ch 13 Maine, aired July 25, 2012, 8:10 AM.
Blythe, Matthew, “Arts: Previews," buzz:, (UK) December/January Issue, p.9.
Buszek, Maria Elena. Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture. Duke University Press. 2006. p. 358.
Danville, Eric, Managing Editor, “Portfolio: Veronica Cross, Artist Profile,” Penthouse Forum, Volume 35, #5, May 2005, pp. 78-85
Flores, Juan G., Interview for TV, My Little Sweatshop, Manhattan Public Access Channel 67, June 9, 2001, 3PM.
Feed The Beast, Program for BBC Wales, shown on February 15, 2001.
Giz and Stan 153, “Dona and Icon’s Top Ten List,” Stress Magazine, Issue #13, Summer 1998, p.48.
Gonzalez, Michael, “Grafitti,” New Youth Connection, December 1997, pp.16-17.
Hansen, Jurgen, “Graf Art,” Interview for German TV, 3SAT – Kultzeit, Open Eye TV Production, Berlin, Germany, May 16, 1998, 9PM.
Henderson, Tina, “Pretty Politi Provocateur: Three Emerging Artists in NYC,” Greenwich Village Gazette, Volume VI, No.XXVI, pp.1-5.
Henderson, Tina, “Emerging Artists: Joanna Hinksman Hoar, Coralee Lynn Rose and Veronica Cross,”, January 20, 2002, pp.1-4.
Henderson, Tina, “’Emerging’ Artists: Joanna Hinksman Hoar, Coralee Lynn Rose and Veronica Cross,” NY Arts Magazine, Vol.7, No 5, pp. 34-35.
Hoosenally, Yasmeen, “Grafitti in NYC: Hot Women Artists,” Interview for TV, TVK Television Japan, Groove Racer, Tokyo, Japan, October 26, 1997, 11:30 PM.
Isaacson, Philip, “When the Real and Imagined Collide,” Portland Press Herald, In The Arts, October 18, 2009.
Jaeger, William, “Something Unique Recommends These Three Shows,” Times Union, Arts and Entertainment,Sunday February 15, 1998, p.13.
Kany, Daniel, Cross Offers Tantalizing Show of Gritty Rural Landscapes,” Portland Press Herald, Go, October 21, 2010.
Kany, Daniel, “At L.C Bates, Romantics run happily amok," Maine Sunday Telegram, Audience, July 8, 2012, p.D6.
Kany, Daniel, “Simple Spirituality and quiet complexity in two shows,” Maine Sunday Telegram, Audience, December 16, 2012, pp. D9-10.
Kany, Daniel, Art Review: “Maine art summer 2014 – so many things are not as they seem,” Portland Press Herald, Arts & Entertainment, August 31, 2014.
Keyes, Bob, “Of Women By Women: 2 Artists’ Perspectives on Women and Self Image at Elizabeth Moss Galleries,” Portland Press Herald, Maine Today, August 27, 2014.
Lucier, Marshall C., “Night and Day,” Metroland, No.951, January 8, 1998, p.31.
Marceles, Eduardo, “BAAD! y The Point, ejemplos de superacion artistica,” HOY, March 15, 2002, Arte, p.10.
Maslon, Hilary, curator, A Gathering of the Tribes, Issue 10, ISSN # 1058-9112 by AGOTT, Inc, p. 63.
Reinke, Timothy, “Burning Sensation”, New York Hangover, February 2000, p.14.
Richardson, Ray and Talbot, Ted, TV and Radio interview, Ray and Ted Show, WLOB (radio) & WPME (tv), Portland, ME, 7: 20 AM September 28, 2009, October 18, 2009 and October 1, 2010
Richardson, Ray, TV and Radio interview, Ray Richardson Show, WLOB (radio) & WPME (tv), Portland, ME, July 24, 2012, 7:20 AM.
Schroeder, Nicholas, "Review: A Cornucopia of Local art at Aucocisco," Portland Phoenix, March 23, 2011.
Smith, Charlie, “Artist Interview: Veronica Cross,” Elizabeth Moss Galleries, March 13, 2015.
O’Kelly White, Shannon & Huffsmith, Melissa, Online interview,, Show #7, NYC, April 6, 1999, 9:30 PM.
Hayward-Thomas, Nicolette, High Performance, Program for BBC Wales, HTV, Channel 3.
Thompson, Jamie, "Alternate Realities", Maine Home & Design, Annual Art Issue, April 2017, p. 100.
Verdon, Amy and Burke, David, “Rock Groupie finds Satisfaction with Needle and Thread,” fancy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2003, p.10.
Weinberg, Kathy, "Cheshire Girls: Veronica Cross' Complicated Feminism", The Chart, Reviews, Vol. 1, No. 4. December 2015/January 2016.
CATALOGUE, Hugh Adams, Stimulata, Howard Gardens Gallery, University of Wales Institute in Cardiff, UK, ISBN 0 9515777 8 6.
Robert Atkins, Barbara Ann Levy, Barbara Ann Levy Gallery, Cherry Grove, NY, 2004, privately printed.
PHOTO CREDIT, NY Arts Magazine, #27, December 1998, Cover.
PHOTO CREDIT, Maine Home + Design, December 2012, p. 31.
Chi Chi La Rue, Director, Foursome, 4th season, Playboy Channel, artwork rental.